Over 4,000 students qualify for free or reduced fee meals in the SCUCISD.
Children from qualifying families can receive breakfast and/or lunch at school. But during school breaks they may lack the resources to buy additional groceries and provide these meals at home.
Twice a year as school breaks begin, PIC obtains fresh produce and meat from the SA Food bank, teen volunteers unpack then compile the packages. Up to 100 families receive approximately 50 lbs of food.
PIC's goal is to expand these services to provide more food to families in the SCUCISD area.

the need
Often families that receive free or reduced fee meals during school may struggle to afford food for these meals during school breaks.

A child's physical and mental development can be negatively impacted when they don't have adequate or consistent access to nutrition.

Experiencing Chronic hunger:
Effects a child's emotional well-being; they may feel irritable, depressed or angry
Increases behavioral problems,
Encourages risky behavior
our Impact

Christmas 2018
After school dismissed at 1:00 for the Christmas break over 20 teens gathered to unload, sort and compile 50 pounds packages of food, then loaded the food into cars of over 125 local families. Please click here to read more.

June 2018
Over 11,000 pounds of food was given to local families. Click here to read more.

Christmas 2017
In December 2017, PIC obtained a Mobile Food Pantry from the SA Food Bank and provided approx. 20 pounds of fresh produce to approx. 100 families.
To read more, please click here.

June 2017
In June 2017, to Kick Off the Summer Reading Mentor program, we purchased $970 of fresh produce to provide to families in need.
To Read more, please click here.

Christmas 2016
In December, 2016 the Clemens PIE Club applied for and received a grant from the Spur's Team Up Challenge Foundation to use to purchase fresh produce and chicken for families in need. Packages of food were provided to over 100 families.
Please click here, to read more.